30 Days To More Powerful Vocabulary + How to Delegate Effectively (Set of 2 books)

Publisher: Goyal Publishers

ISBN: 9788183070027+9788183073721

Availability:In stock

Rs. 220.00 Rs. 294.00 220.00

Product Details

      30 Days To More Powerful Vocabulary

      • Author: Norman Lewis
      • Binding: Paperback
      • ISBN-10: 9788183070027
      • ISBN-13: 9788183070027
      • Language: English
      • Pages: 244
      • Publisher: Goyal Saab
      • Publishing Date: June 2011
      • Series:  30 Days To More Powerful Vocabulary
      • Subject: English

      About The Book 

      For a better job and faster career advancement, the practical manual has shown nearly 4,000,000 readers how to acquire a larger, more effective vocabulary in only 15 minutes a day.

      1. In just 30 days you will learn:

        • How to make words your slaves.
        • How to find the words to sell your ideas.
        • How to add words to your vocabulary while you are at the movies, listening to the radio, or reading.
        • How to use words to impress others without being a show-off.
        • How to find the right words to say exactly what you mean.
        • How to become a lively conversationalist.
        • How to avoid the embarrassment of misusing or mispronouncing words.
        • How to check your progress with 30 challenging tests. Plus a complete index to new words and pronunciation key.

      After enlightening the lives of nearly 4,000,000, 30 Days to More Powerful Vocabulary is here to help you get a better job, faster career advancement, and improve your personality. Use this book to acquire control over language with a larger and more effective vocabulary. Exercise for 15 minutes daily and see your communication skills getting better and stronger.

      Product Details

          How to Delegate Effectively

          • Author: Donald H. Weiss
          • Binding: Paperback
          • ISBN-10: 8183073727
          • ISBN-13: 9788183073721
          • Market: Young learners
          • Pages: 64
          • Publisher: Amacom
          • Publishing Date: 1 June 2011
          • Subject: English
          • Size : 20 x 14 x 4 cm
          • Weight: 59g

          About The Book 

          You'll learn how to:

            • Plan a proactive delegation process.
            • Decide when to take action, when the step back.
            • Assign tasks to others comfortably.
            • Improve the skills of your employees.