सफल प्रत्यायोजन कैसे करे + सफल तीम निर्माण + संगठित कैसे हो

Publisher: Goyal Publishers

ISBN: 9788183073899+9788183073905+9788183073851

Availability:In stock

Rs. 225.00 Rs. 285.00 225.00

About The Book 

सफल प्रत्यायोजन कैसे करे 

Book Plan a proactive delegation process. Decide when to take action, when the step back. Assign tasks to others comfortably. Improve the skills of your employees.

सफल तीम निर्माण

Book Make teamwork benefit you and your organization. Form a team and focus it energies. Encourage honest, open communication. Resolves team conflicts and solve problems.

संगठित कैसे हो 

Book Set realistic goals and objectives. Plan eachday for greater productivity. Convert goals into actions. Make things happen in your life.