Preparacion DELE escolar A2-B1 Claves (Preparacion Al Diploma De Espanol)

Publisher: Edelsa

ISBN: 9788490816950

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Rs. 940.00 Rs. 970.00 940.00
  • Author : Pilar Justo Muñoz,Mónica María García-Viñó Sánchez
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9788490816950
  • Language : Spanish
  • Level : A1-B1
  • Market : Exam Preparation
  • Pages: 56
  • Publisher : Edelsa
  • Publishing Date : December 2018
  • Series :  Dale
  • Size : 170x240 mm
  • Subject : Spanish
  • Weight : 150 Gm

Transcripts of test 2 (listening comprehension).

Answers and explanations to test 1 (reading comprehension) and test 2 (listening comprehension), in which the correct answer with the corresponding sentence of the text are justified with relevant clarifications.

An access code to the AulaVirtual platform (providing access to the audio files, which can be downloaded). Access to the platform also allows pupils to carry out test 2 of each exam online