Bescherelle- Maîtriser L'Orthographe Française

Publisher: Hatier

ISBN: 9782401044531

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Rs. 1,400.00 Rs. 1,430.00 1,400.00
  • Author: Sandrine Girard, Olivier Chartrain
  • Binding: PAPERBACK
  • ISBN-10: 2401044531
  • ISBN-13: 9782401044531
  • Language:  FRENCH
  • Pages: 224
  • Publisher: Hatier
  • Publishing Date: august 22, 2018
  • Subtitle: Bescherelle
  • Subject: FRENCH

To understand how French spelling works and write without mistakes: all the rules, many examples and 500 corrected exercises.

The spelling rules in 60 double pages combining revision and training
• On the left page, a reminder of the rule, illustrated with numerous examples in lively French.
• On the right page, a progressive training allowing to observe the studied rule then to put it into practice in different situations, in particular in a writing of professional type.

But also:
• At regular intervals, reviews to reinvest the knowledge acquired.
• Preparation for the Bescherelle spelling certification.
• All corrected at the end of the book.

For which audiences?
Students and adults wishing to improve their spelling, as part of university, professional training or for personal use.