
Publisher: ELI

ISBN: 9788853604750

Availability:In stock

Rs. 1,495.00 Rs. 1,995.00 1,495.00

Author: ELI
Binding: TOY
ISBN-13: 9788853604750
Language: ITALIAN
Publisher: ELI
Publishing Date: October 2009
Subtitle: Books
Subject: ITALIAN

This is a domino based game that encourages the learning, the strengthening and the correct use of frequently used verbs in context. The verbs proposed can be practiced in the present, past and future tenses, according to the player's level. The game also allows players to widen their lexical knowledge and to familiarise themselves with the culture of the country they are studying. (CEFR A2-B1)

The box (21 x 14 cm) contains:

. 48 dominoes

. 1 teacher's guide

Watch the video tutorial here: https://youtu.be/t3hRaf5e1k4