Francorama 2nd Edition

Publisher: Goyal Publishers

ISBN: 9788183077507

Availability:In stock

Rs. 399.00 Rs. 450.00 399.00

Product Details

        • Author : Swarnendu Baksi
        • Binding : Paperback
        • ISBN-10 : 8183077501
        • ISBN-13 : 9788183077507
        • Language : English
        • Market : Adolescent/Adult
        • Pages: 327
        • Publisher : Goyal Saab
        • Publishing Date : 2016
        • Series :  2nd Edition
        • Subtitle : Francorama
        • Subject : French
        • Weight : 500g

        About The Book 

        Francophone North Africa (where his father was a visiting Specialist & Co-Ordinator in a Central Hydrocarbon Research Facility) & the Mediterranean world led him later to pursue most of his formal studies in French : a Diplôme (with a special award) from the Calcutta Alliance, Master’s from CIEFL/EFLU, Hyderabad and M.Phil. & Ph.D on Camus & Beaumarchais respectively from JNU, New Delhi. He has varied interests in literature of several genres, periods and languages (classical, modern European, commonwealth, Bengali etc.) as well as in languages, linguistics & theatre arts