Préparer le DUEF B1: Méthodologie des épreuves écrites et orales, entraînement, corrigés

Publisher: FLE PUG

ISBN: 9782706142024

Availability:In stock

Rs. 2,590.00 Rs. 2,620.00 2,590.00

Product Details

        • Author : Campus FLE - ADCUEFE
        • Binding : Paperback
        • ISBN-13 : 9782706142024
        • Language : French
        • Market : Adolescent/Adult
        • Pages : 296
        • Publisher : PUG         
        • Publishing Date : September ,2020
        • Size : 160*240 mm
        • Series : Préparer le DUEF B1
        • Subject : French
        • Weight : 550  gm

        About The Book 

        Answering questions about an article or a radio program, preparing a presentation then defending a point of view, writing an argued letter, an image commentary or a past tense story… So many skills to master to pass the DUEF exams B1.

        This book provides all the tools to achieve this. Students will find a presentation of the DUEF (University Diploma of French Studies) B1 exams followed by a complete training: exam subjects, methodological advice, activities allowing to familiarize themselves step by step with the exams. But they will also find commented answers, self-evaluations, as well as toolkits.

        This approach makes this book much more than a DUEF B1 training notebook: a reference for teachers and learners alike who wish to work on different communication skills (oral and written comprehension, oral and written production); but also a training tool for foreign students wishing to continue their studies in a French-speaking university course.

        Audio documents and videos are available online.