Six Weeks To Words Of Power + How to Deal with Difficult People (Set of 2 books)

Publisher: Goyal Publishers

ISBN: 9788187572169+9788183071383

Availability:In stock

Rs. 249.00 Rs. 294.00 249.00

Product Details

      1. Six Weeks To Words Of Power
      • Author : Wilfred Funk
      • Binding : Paperback
      • ISBN-10 : 8187572167
      • ISBN-13 : 9788187572169
      • Language : English
      • Market : young learners
      • Pages : 288
      • Publisher : Goyal Publisher 
      • Publishing Date : October ,2011
      • Size : 20 x 14 x 4 cm
      • Weight : 190g

      About The Book 

       Here is a unique book! It selects and shows you how to use those verbs, nouns, and adjectives which are the mainspring words of the English language. They are rightly called ""power words"" because they are the words which successful people know and use daily. If you learn these words, they will almost perform miracles in your speech, your writing, and your understanding. The book starts with a 20-minute test of your present word knowledge. This will detect the weak points in your own vocabulary. After that your progress will be rapid and profitable.

      Product Details

          2.  How to Deal with Difficult People

          • Author :Donald H. Weiss
          • Binding : Paperback
          • ISBN-10 : 8183071384
          • ISBN-13 : 9788183071383
          • Market : Young learner
          • Pages : 64
          • Publisher : Amacom
          • Publishing Date : 1 April 2011
          • Subject : English
          • Size : 20 x 14 x 4 cm
          • Weight : 70g

          About The Book 

          You'll learn how to

          • Separate out truly difficult behavior from the normal ups and down of human behavior and from difficult circumstances or surroundings.
          • Identify the four basic behavior patterns and determine where the difficult people and you fit in.
          • Avoid provoking difficult behavior by adjusting your own behavior.
          • Motivate difficult people to want to change.
          • Conduct a heart talk that works.