РАЗВИТИЕ УСТНОЙ РЕЧИ (DEVELOPMENT OF ORAL SPEECH A Course in Communicative Russian Language)

Publisher: Goyal Publishers

ISBN: 9788177141566

Availability:In stock

Rs. 295.00 295.00

Product Details

      • Author : Meeta Narain
      • Binding : Paperback
      • ISBN-13 : 9788177141566
      • Language :  Russin
      • Pages : 127
      • Publisher : Goyal Publishers
      • Publishing Date : 2012
      • Size : 20.9 x 1.2 x 28.5 cm
      • Subject :Russin
      • Weight : 100g

      About The Book 

      The text book 'Pa3BMTHe YCTHOM Pe4M has been designed for heginners, aspiring to learn Russian. It is a Supplementary Text Book which concentrates on the oral and communicative skills of language learning. For beginners, development OT oral sKIlIs plays a major role in grasping the grammatical aspects of the language. As such, this textbook supplements the grammatical ladvancement of the language with specialised oral I teaching tools. The lessons have been designed in such amanner that they help students to acquire not only the linguistic knowledge, but also to develop their oral and creative skills, the ability to form their own opinions and to express them fully and freely in a foreign language. This development of oral practice plays a vital role in understanding the grammatical aspects of the language. The lessons revise the six cases of the Russian language in such a way that they stress on the communicative ability of the students. Different excercises have been formulated which enable students to speak and write simultaneously. The book also aims to provide students with practical skills, which will enable them to communicate in a Russian-speaking environment. It helpS hem in understanding the society -its life and people through the language-learing Process, Since the textual material provided in the text book relates to the everyday life of the people. The use of role play for situations of everyday life (such as texts related to daily needs, culture and society, country and the worid, media and communication, etc.) ) helps to develop adequate behaviour patterns and proper speech models that facilitate Communication with native speakers.

      The learning tools consist of the following: Aphonetic introductory unit Six units of the basic course Lexical and grammar exercises Texts and dialogues A set of two audio cassettes The introductory unit revises the alphabets of the language and emphasises on the pronunciation rules related to them. It also deals with th basic information regarding the days of the week, months and numbers. The six units are based on conversational topics of everyday life. Each unit is followed by grammar and communicative exercises. These exercises enrich the vocabulary of students, give them active practice of grammar, and are aimed at the refinement of listening comprehension and speaking skills. The text book is extensively illustrated. Pictures of objects, actions and communicative situations make the book easy to use whatever the students' native language may be. The aim is to learn a foreign language independently. without any other language being used as a mediator for communication. The text book is accompanied by a set of two audio cassettes, which serve as an additional tool for the students in grasping the language in the correct form. Since the cassettes have been prepared by the native speakers, all efforts have been made for the students to listen to the correct pronunciation of the language. This text book is an outcome of my experiences in teaching Russian as a foreign language to beginners. Development of oral skills plays a major role n the learning process. However, a systematic approach towards teaching these skills is usually not there. This text book is an effort in this direction, and I hope it will prove useful to teachers and students of Russian language.