कैसे दे एक प्रभावकारी भाषण अथवा प्रस्तुति + कैसे बढ़ाये अपनी पठन शक्ति + कैसे लिखें आसानी से और असरदार तरीके से

Publisher: Goyal Publishers

ISBN: 9788183073783+9788183073820+9788183073806

Availability:In stock

Rs. 225.00 Rs. 285.00 225.00

Product Details

      कैसे दे एक प्रभावकारी भाषण अथवा प्रस्तुति

      • Author : Donald H. Weiss
      • Binding : Paperback
      • ISBN-10  8183073786
      • ISBN-13 : 9788183073783
      • Language : Hindi
      • Market : Adolescent/Adult
      • Pages: 74
      • Publisher : Goyal Publishers
      • Publishing Date : 1 May 2008
      • Series :  Amacom
      • Size : 200 x 140 x 40mm
      • Subtitle : कैसे दे एक प्रभावकारी भाषण अथवा प्रस्तुति
      • Subject : Hindi
      • Weight : 100 gm

      About The Book 

      Model formats for structuring your talk in advance-wheTher you're addressing the "converted" or arguing a controversial point of view.

      Tips on using languages to stir your audience's interest and imagination.

      Advice on smoothly incorporating audiovisual aids into your presentations.

      Pointers for making a Persuasive appeal.

      Product Details

            कैसे बढ़ाये अपनी पठान शक्ति

            • Author : Donald H. Weiss
            • Binding : Paperback
            • ISBN-10  8183073824
            • ISBN-13 : 9788183073820
            • Language : Hindi
            • Market : Adolescent/Adult
            • Pages: 74
            • Publisher : Goyal Publishers
            • Publishing Date : 1 May 2008
            • Series :  Amacom
            • Size : 200 x 140 x 40mm
            • Subtitle : कैसे बढ़ाये अपनी पठान शक्ति
            • Subject : Hindi
            • Weight : 100 gm

            About The Book 

            You'll learn how to:

            Read what you need when you need it.

            Understand more of what you read.

            Set goals for what you want to get from what you read.

            Read words faster-and understand them better as well.

            Product Details

                  कैसे लिखें आसानी से और असरदार तरीके से

                  • Author : Donald H. Weiss
                  • Binding : Paperback
                  • ISBN-10  8183073808
                  • ISBN-13 : 9788183073806
                  • Language : Hindi
                  • Market : Adolescent/Adult
                  • Pages: 85
                  • Publisher : Goyal Publishers
                  • Publishing Date : 1 July 2008
                  • Series :  Amacom
                  • Size : 200 x 140 x 40mm
                  • Subtitle : कैसे लिखें आसानी से और असरदार तरीके से
                  • Subject : Hindi
                  • Weight : 100 gm

                  About The Book 

                  You'll learn how to:

                  Develop your ideas effectively.

                  Add colour, excitement and style to your writing.

                  Get your points across present ideas with confidence and skill.

                  write letters, memos and reports that hold your reader's attention.