Язык медицинской науки: практический курс: ( The language of medical science: a practical course )

Publisher: Russkij yazyk.Kursy

ISBN: 9785907390386

Availability:In stock

Rs. 1,480.00 Rs. 1,500.00 1,480.00
  • Author: Ranneva
  • Binding: Paperback
  • ISBN-13: 9785907390386
  • Language: Russian
  • Level: B1
  • Pages: 264
  • Publisher: Russkij yazyk.Kursy
  • Publishing Date: 2023
  • Subtitle: Textbook
  • Subject: Textbook
  • Weight: 700g

The manual contains texts for reading on educational and professional topics, as well as assignments for them aimed at developing skills in working with scientific text in the medical specialty. The manual reveals the content and formal organization of scientific speech, the forms of its functioning, and stylistic originality. The manual is intended for foreign students (Anglophones) studying Russian at a medical university. The materials of the manual prepare students to speak Russian as a foreign language in the educational and professional sphere of communication (medical and biological profile) at the level of proficiency in Russian as a foreign language B1.