¡Vamos Al Circo! With Cd

Publisher: Goyal Publishers

ISBN: 9788183071161

Availability:In stock

Rs. 165.00 Rs. 175.00 165.00

Product Details

      • Author: Begona Beutelspacher
      • Binding: Paperback
      • ISBN-13: 9788183071161
      • Language: Spanish
      • Pages: 64       
      • Publisher: klett
      • Publishing Date: 2002
      • Subtitle: Textbook
      • Subject: Spanish

      About The Book 

      Each of the ten fun and playful units revolves around an amusing story set in a circus.

      In addition to the activities found in the book, an audio-CD is available for the teacher.

      It includes a series of songs and rhymes relating to each of the thematic units studied in the book: animals, numbers, family, colours, food, clothes, the human body, nature and the weather, greetings, farewells.