Wortverdreher Deutsch Sprachspiel

Publisher: Hueber

ISBN: 9783190895861

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Rs. 2,890.00 Rs. 2,920.00 2,890.00
  • Author : Grubbe Media (Hrsg.)
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-10 : 3190895864
  • ISBN-13 : 9783190895861
  • Language : German
  • Publisher : Hueber Verlag
  • Publishing Date : February 2018
  • Size : 22.5 x 4.5 x 31.7 cm
  • Subtitle : game
  • Subject : German
  • Weight : 640g

It is eagl to set the cuhtsbaen in one word in wlehcer Rienhelfoge! According to this principle, the players present word creations. Whoever guesses the twisted words quickest wins.

Wortverdreher German contains 500 words from the basic vocabulary. Due to the intensive occupation, the players memorize the vocabulary particularly well.

For 2 - 6 players,
ages 10+, duration: approx. 20 minutes

Game components:

- Letter tray with privacy screen
- 96 letter tiles in the compartments
- 100 cards with 5 words each
- Hourglass
- ABC game board
- 6 wooden markers