Cuadernos de gramática española A2

Publisher: Difusion

ISBN: 9788183073028

Availability:In stock

Rs. 195.00 Rs. 200.00 195.00

 Audio file

  • Author : María Buendía Cambronero Raquel Ezquerra Martínez
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9788183073028
  • Language : Spanish
  • Pages : 128
  • Publisher : DIFUSION 
  • Publishing Date : October 2010
  • Size :  ‎ 22 x 0.8 x 27 cm
  • Series : Cuadernos de gramática
  • Subject : Spanish
  • Weight : 375 gm

This Spanish Grammar Notebook aims to develop the language skills of A2 level students .

Their characteristics are:

  • Autonomous or guided use. It can be used autonomously or in a course guided by a teacher.
  • Independent use or linked to a manual.
  • Adaptation to the Common European Framework of Reference and to the reference levels of the Cervantes Institute's Curriculum Plan.
  • Development of learning strategies. It offers useful resources to learn grammar more effectively.
  • Exercises for the development of oral comprehension and expression.

The book is structured in units with grammar explanations and exercises. It also contains a glossary of grammatical terms, the transcriptions of the exercises with audio and the solutions.