Motive B1 Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 19–30 mit MP3-Audio-CD Kompaktkurs DaF

Publisher: Hueber

ISBN: 9783190318827

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Rs. 1,570.00 Rs. 1,600.00 1,570.00
  • Author : Dr. Wilfried Krenn, Dr. Herbert Puchta
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-10 : 3190318824
  • ISBN-13 : 9783190318827
  • Language : German
  • Level : B1
  • Market : Adolescent/Adult
  • Pages : 100
  • Publisher : Hueber Verlag
  • Publishing Date : June 2016
  • Series : Motive
  • Size : 1 x 1 x 1 cm
  • Subtitle : Workbook 
  • Subject : German
  • Weight : 335 g

Exercises to work independently at home

- Repetition tasks on the content of the listening and reading texts in the course book

- additional listening texts

- Pronunciation training

- Systematic training in writing skills in the writing workshop

- Learning vocabulary for each lesson with information on language use in Switzerland and Austria

- Integrated MP3 CD with all audio texts and all speaking exercises in the workbook