Nos vemos! Paso a paso 1 (A1.1)

Publisher: Difusion

ISBN: 9788484437994

Availability:In stock

Rs. 1,380.00 Rs. 1,395.00 1,380.00

See ya! Step by Step 1 is specially designed for modular or short-term courses (30-40 hours) both because of the structure of its contents (three units plus a final review unit) and because of its compact format (student's book and workbook in a single volume).

In the first three units, the student will find short didactic sequences with a variety of activities and a final task to prepare a document that can be included in their portfolio, as well as a section dedicated to the development of learning strategies and a proposal for reflection. cultural.

In the review unit, called Mirador , students will be able to fix their knowledge and gain confidence in handling the language, while paying attention to the development of their strategic competence and the treatment of errors.

The structure of the contents, clear and functional, facilitates the application of the work proposals to turn the classroom into a space in which both individual reflection and work in collaboration with other students have a place.