Contes et légendes des Premières Nations d'Amérique du Nord - Niveau 3/B1 - Lecture CLE en français facile - Liv

Publisher: CLE International

ISBN: 9782090311594

Availability:In stock

Rs. 660.00 Rs. 690.00 660.00
  • Author : Fabien Olivry, Julien Perrier Chartrand
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9782090311594
  • Language :  French
  • Level : B1
  • Market : Lectures CLE en français facile
  • Pages : 64
  • Publisher : Clé international
  • Publishing Date : March 2022
  • Series : Adultes - Grands adolescents 
  • Size :  14.3 x 0.5 x 19.2 cm
  • Subtitle : Reading book 
  • Subject : French
  • Weight : 81.6g

Reading in French as a foreign language (FLE) in the Reading CLE collection in easy French intended for older adolescents and adults level B1.

Tales and legends from the First Nations of North America
This book presents nine tales and legends from the First Nations of North America. The term "First NATIONS" refers to Aboriginal peoples who are neither Métis nor Inuit. First Nations are extremely diverse, but their cultures share common characteristics, such as a deep respect for nature. The texts brought together here constitute an attempt to open up to this rich cultural imagination and a tribute to a heritage of great originality.