Vocabulaire Expliqué Du Français-Niveau Intermédiaire - Livre+Exercices(Set Of 2 Books)

Publisher: CLE International

ISBN: 9782090337198+9782090337211

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Vocabulaire Expliqué Du Français - Niveau Intermédiaire - Livre
  • Author : Nicole Larger, Reine Mimran
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-10 : 2090337192
  • ISBN-13 : 9782090337198
  • Language : French
  • Market : Adolescent/Adult
  • Pages: 288
  • Publisher : Clé international  
  • Publishing Date : April 6,2004
  • Series : Expliquée du français
  • Size : 19.9 x 2 x 24.7 cm
  • Subtitle : Textbook
  • Subject : French
  • Weight : 590 G

Vocabulary book in French as a foreign language (FLE), in the Explained collection , for older adolescents and adults, intermediate level.

The Explained French Vocabulary answers all these questions at an intermediate level of French study.

It offers the following parts:

Word life: morphology (prefixes, suffixes, compound words, neologisms, borrowings), semantics (synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, paronyms);
Words in life: culture in words (onomatopoeias and animal cries, idiomatic expressions, language registers, shifts in meaning), words and their traps (false friends ...), sensations;
"Words and you": what should be substituted for certain passwords such as "there is", "to be", "to have", "to do", "to put", "to say", ...
By the system of references, the learner can go from one point to another to complete a notion, to enrich it. The illustrations, which have a didactic value, will help the reader to better understand the situation, to better understand the meaning of the words.

Vocabulaire Expliqué Du Français - Niveau Intermédiaire - Exercices

  • Author : Nicole Larger, Reine Mimran
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-10 : 2090337214
  • ISBN-13 : 9782090337211
  • Language : French
  • Market : Adolescent/Adult
  • Pages: 192
  • Publisher : Clé international  
  • Publishing Date : September 8,2004
  • Series : Expliquée du français
  • Size : 19.7 x 1.3 x 27.6 cm
  • Subtitle : Exercises/Workbook
  • Subject : French
  • Weight : 431 G

Activity book for the Vocabulaire en français langue langue (FLE) book, in the Explained collection , for older adolescents and adults, intermediate level.

This notebook, like the reference book, is intended for intermediate and advanced level students.

The exercises offered are varied and progressive. In addition to the usual hole-in-the-wall exercises, there are also crosswords, riddles, charades and games on the meaning of words.

But this variety does not exclude order. Indeed, each lesson leads the student to a knowledge of the vocabulary through specific stages:

reflection on words through observation, association and classification exercises;
reformulation, in exercises aimed at clarifying the meaning of words (definitions) and in writing exercises;
assessment: in the blanket exercises, the multiple choice questions and in the five assessments which close the chapters of the book, the student will be able to test the acquired knowledge himself.
The exercises are grouped according to the same categories as the Explained French Vocabulary:

The life of words: morphology (prefixes, suffixes, compound words, neologisms, borrowings), semantics (synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, paronyms);
Words in life: culture in words (onomatopoeias and animal cries, idiomatic expressions, language registers, shifts in meaning), words and their traps (false friends ...), sensations;
"Words and you": what should be substituted for certain passwords such as "there is", "to be", "to have", "to do", "to put", "to say", ...
Corrected ones can be found at the end of the notebook.