La fête des voisins A2

Publisher: FLE PUG

ISBN: 9782706145728

Availability:In stock

Rs. 880.00 Rs. 900.00 880.00

Product Details

      • Author : Bertille Watrelot
      • Binding : Paperback
      • ISBN-10 : 2706145722
      • ISBN-13 : 9782706145728
      • Language : French
      • Level : A2
      • Pages : 71
      • Publisher : Pug Fle
      • Publishing Date : March 2020
      • Series : La fête des voisins
      • Size : 13.8 x 0.6 x 21 cm
      • Subject : French
      • Weight : 100 g

      About The Book 

      Djamel is the new guardian of the Lilas residence. To keep this job, he must succeed in energizing relations between the neighbors. Djamel has lots of ideas: he creates a WhatsApp group in the building, organizes the neighbours' party... Everything is going well. Everything is going well, really?

      This story, designed for level A2 learners, is built like a treasure hunt that unfolds as you read through exchanges (SMS, emails, etc.) between the different characters.

      To discover absolutely for the pleasure of a playful and dynamic reading!

      The educational guide is available for download in the Complements tab.