La France au quotidien - B1- B2 Livre + audios

Publisher: FLE PUG

ISBN: 9782706147128

Availability:In stock

Rs. 2,540.00 Rs. 2,570.00 2,540.00
  • Author : Rosalba Rolle-Harold, Roselyne Rœsch
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-10 : 2706147121 
  • ISBN-13 : 9782706147128
  • Language :  French
  • Level : B1- B2
  • Pages : 207
  • Publisher : Pug Fle
  • Publishing Date :  june 2020
  • Series : La France au quotidien 
  • Size : 18.1 x 1.2 x 26 cm
  • Subject : French
  • Weight : 580 g

Designed for learners and trainers of French as a foreign language, this brand new edition of La France au Jour, best-seller and essential work for the FLE class, offers a lively and documented approach to life in France.

Enriched with 24 sound documents (accessible online) allowing training in oral comprehension, the work is structured around twelve chapters which present the living environment of the French people, their behavior and their habits. The topics covered (health, family, citizenship, education, etc.) are related to the notions defined by the CEFR for levels B1 and B2 .

Each chapter gives a sum of information related to the theme and offers a lexical enrichment through the headings “Words and expressions of the theme”, “Lexical reference points” and “Cultural reference points”.

A quiz allows you to take stock of the elements acquired during the reading. Oral comprehension exercises and written and oral production exercises are proposed for each of the chapters.

A pedagogical page at the beginning of the file guides the teacher in the organization of his course.

The answers and the complete transcription of the audio documents appear at the end of the book.

The audios and educational files are accessible on a dedicated Internet page whose address and password are indicated in the paper book.