La Nuit Mouvementée De Rachel

Publisher: CLE International

ISBN: 9782090312676

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Rs. 910.00 Rs. 940.00 910.00

Product Details

        • Author: Marie-Andrée Clermont
        • Binding: PAPERBACK
        • ISBN-10: 209031267X
        • ISBN-13: 9782090312676
        • Language: FRENCH
        • Level:  B2
        • Pages: 48
        • Publisher: Clé international
        • Publishing Date: 2020
        • Subtitle: B2 • FICTION
        • Subject: FRENCH
        • Weight : 400g 

        About The Book 

        Reading in French as a foreign language (FLE) in the Discovery collection intended for adolescents level B1.2.
        Eventful Night Rachel is sixteen. She devotes herself to her violin and to her studies but, one evening, tired of everything, she goes to meet her friends in a bar forbidden to under eighteen years. The police arrive and Rachel is taken to the station. To get out of this unpleasant situation, she calls on Andy, her half-brother, who annoys her a little. Rachel will then discover that you shouldn't judge people on a first impression ...