Le Malade imaginaire Jean-Baptiste Molière (Poquelin dit)

Publisher: Larousse

ISBN: 9782035834201

Availability:In stock

Rs. 400.00 Rs. 430.00 400.00

Product Details

        • Author: Molière
        • Binding: Paperback
        • ISBN-13 : 9782035834201
        • Level: Near Beginners
        • Language: French
        • Market: Adolescent/Adult
        • Pages: 191
        • Publisher: Larousse
        • Publishing Date: January 1980
        • Series : Les Petits Classiques Larousse
        • Subject: French
        • Weight: 120 gm

        About The Book 

        Like other jokes by Molière, Le Malade imaginaire is a satire on medical sham. But it is also a character comedy that depicts the extravagances of a bourgeois obsessed with the disease. Finally, it is a comedy-ballet dominated by a climate of fantasy and recklessness. Disguise and illusion will eventually render the hero's sickly imagination harmless if they cannot correct it. Laughter and pleasure have the last word here: this is Molière's final message.