Lili, la petite grenouille - Niveau 2 - Livre de l'élève

Publisher: CLE International

ISBN: 9782090335422

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Rs. 1,810.00 Rs. 1,840.00 1,810.00
  • Author : Agnès Malfettes-Wittmann, Sylvie Meyer-Dreux, Agnès Wittmann
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9782090335422
  • Language :  French
  • Level : Débutants
  • Market : Young children
  • Pages : 64
  • Publisher : Clé international
  • Publishing Date : June 2003
  • Series : Lili, la petite grenouille
  • Size : 21.2 x 0.6 x 23.2 cm
  • Subtitle : textbook
  • Subject : French
  • Weight :  166g

Student's book in the Lili the little frog collection , French as a foreign language (FLE) method for children, level 2.

The album is the centerpiece of all the material from which everything comes.

  1. 3 stories with transcription of the entire collective audio tape/CD at the end of the album for the teacher.
  2. Each story = 8 double pages
  3. 1 double page = 1 work unit, so 24 work units for the whole album.
  4. 1 unit of work = 4 to 8 sessions, depending on the variations (use or not of complementary reading and reading-writing notebooks)

The central character, Lili, is the common thread and conductor who provokes various adventures and involves two other characters, Léo and Léa.

We will go from the visual, to the work on the oral with listening to the audio (verification of the first hypotheses and understanding), and finally to the possible development, then, with the work of the writing.