Oh là là! Collège - Niveau 1 - Guide pédagogique

Publisher: CLE International

ISBN: 9782090354492

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Rs. 2,680.00 Rs. 2,710.00 2,680.00
  • Author : Michèle Bourdeau, Catherine Favret, Isabel Gallego, Elena Muguruza
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9782090354492
  • Language :  French
  • Level : Beginners
  • Market : Teachers
  • Pages : 136
  • Publisher : Clé international
  • Publishing Date :
  • Series : Oh là là !
  • Size :  21.2 x 0.9 x 28.5 cm
  • Subtitle : Teaching Guide
  • Subject : French
  • Weight : 358g

Pedagogical guide in the collection Oh là là! , method of French as a foreign language (FLE) for teenagers, level 1.

The educational guide contains per unit:

  • teaching and learning objectives;
  • a table of contents per unit and per lesson;
  • all of the vocabulary for each lesson (active and passive);
  • a pedagogical exploitation, heading by heading, activity by activity, in which: he explains the objectives activity by activity; it gives at any time socio-cultural information necessary for the Civilization partbut also to the interpretation of texts, activities integrated into the lessons; it provides information on language registers and language standards; he gives transcriptions of recorded texts or songs which do not appear in the pupil's book; it offers complementary extension activities that the teacher can use either to review a point that seems essential or not acquired by the learners, or to make the fastest pupils work; he quotes the exercises from the exercise book when it is desirable to do them; it gives the answers to the exercises in the student's book, including the Bilan .

And at the end of the book, we find:

  • workbook answer keys;
  • for each unit, a complete photocopiable test including grammar and vocabulary exercises, followed by written comprehension; oral comprehension, oral expression, written expression;
  • the answer key and the scale of the tests;
  • portfolio.