Poil de carotte - Niveau A2 - Lecture Découverte - Audio téléchargeable

Publisher: CLE International

ISBN: 9782090312980

Availability:In stock

Rs. 790.00 Rs. 820.00 790.00
  • Author : Jules Renard
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9782090312980
  • Language :  French
  • Level : A2
  • Pages : 56  
  • Publisher : Clé international
  • Publishing Date : October 2021
  • Series :   Lectures Découverte
  • Size :  14 x 0.3 x 21 cm
  • Subtitle : reading Book 
  • Subject : French
  • Weight : 109g
Reading in French as a foreign language (FLE) in the Discovery collection for adolescents level A2.
Foil de carotte
With his red hair and freckles, Foil de carotte is an unloved young boy. His mother hates him and forces him to do household chores. His brother and sister laugh at him. Only his father appreciates him but he is often absent. Foil de garotte must then face his family alone. Through several stories of his daily life, we discover how this young boy struggles to find his place.