Pratiques De Classe - Oral Et Gestion Du Tableau + Dvd-Rom

Publisher: Hachette

ISBN: 9782014016048

Availability:In stock

Rs. 6,580.00 Rs. 6,610.00 6,580.00
  • Author:Martine Stirman , Emmanuelle Daill
  • Binding:Paperback
  • ISBN-13:9782014016048
  • Language: French
  • Pages: 160
  • Publisher: Hachette
  • Publishing Date: January 2017
  • Size: 210*297 mm
  • Subject:French

A "ready-to-use" training tool for FFL teachers, trainers of trainers, and educational managers
 3 workshops based on filmed class sequences to train for the learning path

  1. Methodological approaches to develop skills in oral comprehension and production
  2. Tools for efficient switchboard management
  3. Practice activities
  4. Filmed class sequences, concrete training materials