Teaching Teens: Speaking Activities Buch und DELTA Augmented

Publisher: DELTA Publishing

ISBN: 9783125017375

Availability:In stock

Rs. 3,130.00 Rs. 3,149.00 3,130.00

Product Details

      • Author : Jason Anderson Wendy Superfine
      • Binding : Paperback
      • ISBN-10 : 3125017378
      • ISBN-13 : 9783125017375
      • Language :  English
      • Level : A1 - B2
      • Pages : 120
      • Publisher : Delta Publishing
      • Publishing Date : Mar. 2022
      • Series : Teaching Teens
      • Size :  21 x 1.1 x 29.7 cm
      • Subtitle : Book
      • Weight : 506g

      About The Book 

      Ask yourself

      Are your students exceptionally strong at speaking?

      Does each of your students speak more than 15 minutes of English during class?

      Do you reject frontal teaching?

      If your answer is "yes" to any of these questions, please stop reading and don't buy the book!

      If none of the points above apply, you will find a multitude of methods and activities that can significantly improve the speaking competence of your students at the performative level. All methods and activities follow the simple principle "Language learning is language use!" and foster speaking proficiency in its four dimensions: fluency, accuracy, complexity and appropriacy.

      Part I: categorization of activity types, with teaching tips and feedback options: milling, drilling, etc.

      Part II: in-depth description of methods and bank of photocopiable resources and engaging speaking activities: buzz reading and cue cards, choral repetition, information-gap and many more …