Vocabulaire progressive du francais - Debutant Livre version franco-chinoise

Publisher: CLE International

ISBN: 9782090334814

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Rs. 2,750.00 Rs. 2,780.00 2,750.00
  • Author :  Claire Miquel
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9782090334814
  • Level :  Beginners
  • Language : French
  • Market : Adolescent/Adult
  • Pages : 69
  • Publisher : CLE International  
  • Publishing Date : April ,2014
  • Size : 193*261 MM
  • Series : Vocabulaire progressif
  • Subject : French
  • Weight : 568 gm

Franco-Chinese vocabulary book in French as a foreign language (FLE) in the Progressive collection intended for older adolescents and adults, beginner level.

The book includes translations, notes, as well as additional pages explaining the difficulties specific to Chinese students in learning French vocabulary.

This book was produced in partnership with Shanghai Translation Publishing House.