Alpha plus A1 Mein Lernportfolio (Basiskurs Alphabetisierung)

Publisher: Cornelsen

ISBN: 9783065210553

Availability:In stock

Rs. 660.00 Rs. 690.00 660.00

Product Details

          • Author : Grunwald, Anita; Hubertus, Peter; Yasaner, Vecih
          • Binding : Paperback
          • ISBN-13 : 9783065210553
          • Level : A1
          • Language : German
          • Pages : 32 
          • Publisher : Cornelsen
          • Size 210 x 211 x 5mm
          • Subject : German
          • Weight : 152 gm

          About The Book 

          My learning portfolio enables learners to document their learning progress.

          In the portfolio they can

          • Enter information on existing language skills, skills, competencies and qualifications,
          • independently check whether they have understood and learned the lesson content from the basic literacy course,
          • edit themed worksheets cyclically and
          • Document your own learning path using selected texts and works.

          A guide to the learning portfolio for teachers with tips for use in the classroom can be found at