Das Herkunftswörterbuch: Etymologie der deutschen Sprache

Publisher: duden

ISBN: 9783411040759

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Rs. 2,000.00 Rs. 2,100.00 2,000.00

Product Details

      • Author : Dudenredaktion 
      • Binding : hardback
      • ISBN-10 : 3411040750
      • ISBN-13 : 9783411040759
      • Language : German
      • Pages : 960 
      • Publisher : Duden 
      • Publishing Date : October 2013
      • Size : 19.8 x 5 x 14.4 cm
      • Subtitle : dictionary 
      • Subject : German

      About The Book 

      This dictionary of etymology explains in an easily understandable way where a word comes from and what it originally meant. It also deals with modern foreign words and also explains the origin of over 400 idioms. NEW: Numerous large articles on interesting cultural and historical contexts as well as a short language history in addition to the alphabetical part.