Flucht ins fremde Paradies

Publisher: Klett (Ernst) Verlag,Stuttgart

ISBN: 9783126757690

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Rs. 960.00 Rs. 990.00 960.00

Product Details

    • Author : Angelika Mechtel
    • Binding : Paperback
    • ISBN-10 : 3126757693
    • ISBN-13 : 9783126757690
    • Language : German
    • Pages : 96
    • Publisher : Klett (Ernst) Verlag, Stuttgart   
    • Publishing Date : 
    • Size : 11.5 x 0.6 x 19 cm
    • Subtitle : Book
    • Subject : German
    • Weight : 100g 

    About The Book

    The plane from Athens lands in Cologne and not in Frankfurt as planned. Farideh (12) and her brother Freydoun (14) from Iran are on board. Her parents sent her away before the horrors of war.

    They arrive in Germany via a detour. The uncle who is supposed to meet her at the airport never shows up, but there is a lead ...