Hörtraining B1-Zertifikat B1+MP3-CD+7 CDs

Publisher: KARABATOS

ISBN: 9789604650637+9789604650705+9789604650699

Availability:In stock

Rs. 12,070.00 Rs. 12,110.00 12,070.00

Hörtraining Zertifikat B1- Modul HÖREN 

  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-10 : 3190616841
  • ISBN-13 : 9789604650637
  • Language : German
  • Level :  B1
  • Pages : 84 
  • Publisher : KARABATOS
  • Publishing Date : November 2015
  • Series : Hörtraining 
  • Size : 20.7 x 1 x 27.9 cm
  • Subject : German
  • Weight : 504 g

Level B1 • Training program for young and adult learners who want to prepare for the B1 exam (Goethe-Institut and ÖSD) • Can be used in conjunction with every B1 textbook after A2 level has been completed • Part A trains test-relevant word fields, participates Listening strategies and the task typology of the B1 certificate are familiar • Part B: 10 model tests for targeted exam preparation • Answer sheet in the appendix • Solutions are available as a free download in the Hueber Shop • Listening texts are available free of charge at www.hueber.de/audioservice

CD Can't Be Sold separately.