Lagune 3 Arbeitsbuch

Publisher: Hueber

ISBN: 9783190116263

Availability:In stock

Rs. 2,560.00 Rs. 2,590.00 2,560.00
  • Author : Hartmut Aufderstraße, Jutta Müller, Thomas Storz 
  • Binding :Paperback
  • ISBN-10 : 3190116261
  • ISBN-13 : 9783190116263
  • Language : German
  • Level : Advanced
  • Market : Adolescent/Adult
  • Pages : 196
  • Publisher : Hueber Verlag   
  • Publishing Date : September 2007
  • Series : Lagune
  • Size : 21.1 x 1.1 x 28 cm
  • Subtitle : Workbook
  • Subject : German
  • Weight : 725 g

The Lagune 3 workbook offers a wide range of exercises in an attractive four-color layout. At the end of each learning unit there is a grammar overview and a listing of the learning vocabulary. In the "I can do that now" section, learners can assess their learning progress themselves (self-evaluation).

The integrated solution key in the workbook facilitates independent learning at home.