Pluspunkt Deutsch A2 Teilband 2 Kursbuch (Ausgabe 2009)

Publisher: Cornelsen

ISBN: 9783060242856

Availability:In stock

Rs. 1,330.00 Rs. 1,400.00 1,330.00

Product Details

    • Author : Jin, Friederike; Neumann, Hanna; Schote, Joachim
    • Binding:  Paperback
    • ISBN-13: 9783060242856
    • Level: A2
    • Language: German
    • Market: Adolescent/Adult
    • Page: 148
    • Publisher: Cornelsen 
    • Publishing Date:  Sep 2010
    • Series: Pluspunkte 
    • Size : 190 x 262 x 8mm 
    • Subject: German
    • Weight: 324 gm

    About The Book

    All lessons begin with a generously illustrated opening page. At the end of each chapter there are two all-clear! Pages for self-evaluation and a how-to page: It summarizes the language and grammatical structures. Three stations are suitable for playful repetition, the fourth station contains a model test.

    In the appendix: phonetics exercises, grammar overview, alphabetical word list and picture cards for important word fields.