Praxishandbuch Sprachbildung Geographie Sprachsensibel unterrichten - Sprache fördern

Publisher: Klett (Ernst) Verlag,Stuttgart

ISBN: 9783126668538

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Rs. 3,940.00 Rs. 3,970.00 3,940.00

Product Details

    • Author : Sven Oleschko, Benjamin Weinkauf, Sonja Wiemers
    • Binding : Paperback
    • ISBN-10 : 3126668534
    • ISBN-13 : 9783126668538
    • Language : German
    • Pages : 231
    • Publisher : Klett (Ernst) Verlag, Stuttgart   
    • Publishing Date : December 2016
    • Size : 21 x 1.6 x 29.7 cm
    • Subtitle : Book 
    • Subject : German
    • Weight : 400g 

    About The Book


    In geography lessons, too, language and the safe handling of it is a basic requirement and key to understanding and communicating. In times of increasing heterogeneity in the classrooms, German is an obstacle for an increasing number of schoolchildren that makes it difficult or even prevents them from accessing specialist content.

    Teaching in a language-sensitive manner means that you consciously focus on the linguistic aspects of the lesson. Encourage and challenge the learners with linguistic aids in a very targeted manner - without your geography becoming a language lesson.

    The practical handbook Language Education Geography offers you easily understandable teaching aids with which you

    • Recognize typical stumbling blocks in specialist teaching,
    • Build up specific vocabulary with your students,
    • Enable your students to develop and write subject-specific types of text.

    You will also receive useful practical tips for language-sensitive lesson planning.

    The volume contains:

    • Completely prepared teaching units that make it easy for you to try out and gain experience directly.
    • Ready-to-use worksheets and checklists for schoolchildren make your lesson preparation easier and provide countless suggestions for implementation.
    • More than 30 different " method tools " for language-sensitive geography lessons support you in your lesson preparation.

    From practice for practice - with the Handbook Language Education Geography you will achieve learning successes from which your lessons will benefit.