Refugees Welcome Buch + Audio-Online

Publisher: Klett (Ernst) Verlag,Stuttgart

ISBN: 9783125195424

Availability:In stock

Rs. 520.00 Rs. 550.00 520.00

Product Details

        • Binding : Paperback
        • ISBN-10 : 312519542X
        • ISBN-13 : 9783125195424
        • Language : German
        • Pages : 48 
        • Publisher : Klett (Ernst) Verlag, Stuttgart   
        • Publishing Date : July 2016
        • Size : 12.8 x 0.4 x 20 cm
        • Subtitle : Book 
        • Subject : German
        • Weight : 400g

        About The Book 

         This first aid vocabulary provides simple basic vocabulary for initial understanding in accommodation, at government offices, for shopping or at the doctor's. It contains words and phrases with translations in Persian, Kurdish and Tigrin, the languages ​​of asylum seekers and refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Eritrea.

        You can download audio recordings of the vocabulary online for free.