Sprachförderung PLUS Mathematik Förderbausteine für den Soforteinsatz - Text- u. Sachaufgaben in der Grundschule

Publisher: Klett (Ernst) Verlag,Stuttgart

ISBN: 9783126668057

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Rs. 2,340.00 Rs. 2,370.00 2,340.00

Product Details

    • Author : Martina Goßmann
    • Binding : Paperback
    • ISBN-10 : 3126668054
    • ISBN-13 : 9783126668057
    • Language : German
    • Pages : 111 
    • Publisher : Klett (Ernst) Verlag, Stuttgart   
    • Publishing Date :  January 2014
    • Size : 21 x 0.8 x 29.8 cm
    • Subtitle : Book 
    • Subject : German
    • Weight : 300g


    The promotion of the (subject) linguistic skills of your students is an elementary component of mathematics lessons. This need is particularly evident when working on text and technical tasks. Because here in particular, a lack of language skills make access to a mathematical solution approach difficult.

    Sprachförderung PLUS presents you with a range of solutions to meet the requirements of multilingual primary school classes when working on text and technical tasks in mathematics lessons. You will find linguistically differentiated exercises for working with the entire class.

    • Modules independent of textbooks for use in mathematics lessons
    • Promote individually with tried and tested differentiation offers
    • Practical 'recipes' - explained in a way that is easy to understand and can be implemented directly