Praxishandbuch Sprachbildung Mathematik Sprachsensibel unterrichten - Sprache fördern

Publisher: Klett (Ernst) Verlag,Stuttgart

ISBN: 9783126668514

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Rs. 3,940.00 Rs. 3,970.00 3,940.00

Product Details

    • Author : Maike Abshagen
    • Binding : Paperback
    • ISBN-10 : 3126668518
    • ISBN-13 : 9783126668514
    • Language : German
    • Pages : 215
    • Publisher : Klett (Ernst) Verlag, Stuttgart   
    • Publishing Date : March 2015
    • Size : 21 x 1.4 x 29.7 cm
    • Subtitle : Book 
    • Subject : German
    • Weight : 405g 

    About The Book


    Teaching in a language-sensitive manner means that you consciously focus on the linguistic aspects of the lesson. Encourage and challenge the learners with linguistic aids in a very targeted manner - without your specialist teaching becoming language lessons.

    The Praxishandbuch Sprachbildung Mathematik offers you easy-to-understand teaching aids with which you can

    • Recognize typical stumbling blocks in specialist teaching,
    • Build up specific vocabulary with your students, enable your students to develop and write specialist texts.

    You will also receive useful practical tips for language-sensitive lesson planning.

    The volume contains:

    • Completely prepared teaching units that make it easy for you to try out and gain experience directly.
    • Ready-to-use worksheets and checklists for schoolchildren support your lesson preparation and provide countless suggestions for implementation.
    • Around 40 different "method tools" for language-sensitive math lessons support you in your lesson preparation .

    From practice for practice - with the Mathematics Practical Guide you will achieve learning successes from which your teaching will benefit.