Publisher: enClave-ELE

ISBN: 9788493586546

Availability:In stock

Rs. 550.00 Rs. 2,300.00 550.00

This collection is made up of various exercise books Author: Belén Arias

Binding: Paperback
Published: 2006
Number of Pages: 120

Publisher's review This collection is made up of several workbooks and activities to practice comprehension and expression, both oral and written. The collection is divided into two levels according to the Common European Framework, making it ideal for autonomously preparing for the official DELE or EOI exams.

Material complementario para trabajar puntos problemáticos específicos de la comprensión oral en el nivel A1-A2. Cada unidad contiene objetivos comunicativos, gramaticales y léxicos trabajados con documentos auténticos.

Back cover complementary material to work on specific problematic points of listening comprehension at the A1-A2 level. Each unit contains communicative, grammatical and lexical objectives worked with authentic documents.