Question Chain

Publisher: ELI

ISBN: 9788853604682

Availability:In stock

Rs. 1,495.00 Rs. 1,995.00 1,495.00

About The Book 

Game scenario: Shuffle and deal the cards to the players. The person who starts the game reads the question on any card of his choice, and the task of the other players is to find the correct answer on another card in the shortest possible time. The person who finds the correct answer on one of their cards reads it and then reads the question below that the other players are looking for answers. The correct answer to the last question in the series is always found on the same card that started the game. The person who completes a correctly conducted game will always be the person who asked the first question.

The game offers the possibility of playing at level A2 or B1 (using separate sets of cards).

Language objectives: learning interrogative forms, tenses and English vocabulary, learning to conduct conversations in the form of short dialogues, learning some idiomatic expressions.

Age range: children from 8 years of age, youth, adults

Application: The game is used both during classes at school and at home (games with friends and family, or private English lessons).

Additional benefits:The Question Chain game improves mental skills such as memory, concentration and perceptiveness, promotes effective remembering and teaches activity and healthy competition, and its ludic character helps to establish social relations with other participants of the game and has a positive effect on reducing the distance between the student and the teacher.

Additional cube: The game has been enriched with new game variants thanks to the use of an additional cube extending the educational scope of the game.

Extended instructions: The game comes with an extensive instruction in Polish containing:

  • methodological introduction for teachers, parents and the players themselves,
  • extensive game scenarios,
  • proposals for educational games and exercises.

The instruction in Polish is also a convenience for people who do not know the foreign language sufficiently to read the original, foreign-language version of the instruction, as well as the ability to independently manage language and educational games with children or peers.