French Is Fun Activity Book ( Audio Downloadable)

Publisher: Goyal Publishers

ISBN: 9788183073134

Availability:In stock

Rs. 160.00 Rs. 175.00 160.00

  Audio file

Product Details

    • Author: Sue Finnie
    • Binding: PAPERBACK
    • ISBN-10: 8183073131
    • ISBN-13: 9788183073134
    • Language: FRENCH
    • Level:  Beginner
    • Pages: 40
    • Publisher: Goyal Publishers
    • Publishing Date: 2010
    • Subtitle: Activity book 
    • Subject: FRENCH

    About The Book 

    An entertaining and effective introduction to French for children aged 5-10 years old. Based around the animated characters of Serge, a lovable but cheeky monkey and his clever friend Pascale the parrot, this fun-filled language pack will get children used to hearing and speaking French Topics covered include: greetings, colors, animals, likes and dislikes, food and drink, sports. The pack contains: a DVD featuring ten TV programs with interactive games, an audio CD full of songs and stories about the characters, an activity book bursting with activities, puzzles and games: song sheets to help you sing along to the DVD and audio CD, colorful picture cards presenting key vocabulary, and a parent's guide, to help your children get the most out of learning French.