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- Games - French
- Le Jeu Des Nombres
Product Details
- Author: ELI
- Binding: PAPERBACK
- ISBN-10: 8881480751
- ISBN-13: 9788881480753
- Language: FRENCH
- Publisher: ELI
- Publishing Date: 01-05-2012
- Subject: FRENCH
- Weight : 600g
About The Book
One of many possible game scenarios: One or more boards should be given to the participants of the game. Each player arranges his board (s) with numbers or words face up. Then one of the players draws consecutively cards with numbers written in words or a number (depending on the difficulty of the game and the variant of the game) and reads these numbers aloud to other game participants, whose task is to find their counterparts on the board / boards they have. The winner is the player who first matches all the numbers on his board to the numbers read. Depending on the level of knowledge of numerals and the language skills of players, the following variants of matching cards to the boards are possible:
- numeric entry
- numerical entry - verbal entry
- verbal entry - numeral entry - verbal entry
- writing in words - writing in numbers
Language objectives: learning or repeating French numerals from 1 to 100
Age range: children from 7 years of age, adolescents, adults
Application: The game is used both during school activities and at home (playing with friends and family, or private French lessons).
Additional benefits: The game Le Jeu des Nombres improves mental skills such as memory, concentration and perceptiveness, promotes effective remembering and teaches activity and healthy competition, and its ludic nature helps in establishing social relations with other participants of the game and has a positive effect on reducing the distance between the student and learners.
Additional cube: The game has been enriched with new game variants thanks to the use of an additional cube extending the educational scope of the game.
Extended instructions: The game comes with an extensive instruction in Polish containing:
- methodological introduction for teachers, parents and the players themselves,
- extensive game scenarios,
- proposals for educational games and exercises,
- a practical list of French numerals intended for reproduction.
The instruction in Polish is also a convenience for people who do not know the foreign language sufficiently to read the original, foreign-language version of the instruction, as well as the ability to independently manage language and educational games with children or peers.

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