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- Andres Veiel: Streitbare Zeitbilder
Andres Veiel: Streitbare Zeitbilder
Product Details
- Author : Claudia Lenssen
- Binding : Paperback
- ISBN-10 : 3894727179
- ISBN-13 : 9783894727178
- Language : German
Pages : 320
- Publisher : Goyal Publishers
- Publishing Date : 2019
- Series : Andres Veiel
- Size : 06 x 0.67 x 8.7 in
- Subtitle : Novel
- Subject : German
- Weight : 639g
About The Book
Andres Veiel is today regarded as the most successful, internationally renowned German documentary director. His feature film Who if not us and his play "Das Himbeerreich" are mostly regarded as creative outliers or by-products of his biographical documentaries on the subjects of power, violence and unfinished business in German history. As a director, non-fiction author and strong discourse dialogue partner in audience discussions and on podiums, he embodies the type of argumentative intellectual and enlightener that has become rare. Andres Veiel confronts his audience with analyzes of reality in an increasingly virtual reality. He offers to reflect complex truths - all with an amazing freedom,
The book "Streitbare Zeitbilder" describes the artist's almost thirty-year career in narrative work analyses, which take a look at his biographical background as a post-68er as well as his formative experiences with the theater, the close connection of his early films with theater themes and their creation in an environment in which television was still dedicated to special auteur films such as Balagan or Die Spielwutigen. Since his beginnings as a theater maker in prison, as a rebellious student of Krzystof Kieslowski, as a playwright and documentary filmmaker, Andres Veiel's concept of contemporary political film has been closely linked to the fascination of acting and the time capsule of theatre/stage space, as well as to questions of the most effective possible dramaturgical initiation and staging "
"What future?", Andres Veiel's new theater project, which will premiere in September 2018 at the Deutsches Theater Berlin, places the leitmotifs of his work in a new context. Based on workshops with teams of experts and 200 participants, the director developed forecasts, theses and scenarios for the year 2028. His play, in the form of a fictitious "truth commission", will deal with the question of which problems society should tackle today or should tackle from a future perspective to prevent crises and collapse. The book accompanies the creation of this new piece.

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