All About Word + Managing Stress (Set of 2 books)

Publisher: Goyal Publishers

ISBN: 9788183070744+9788183071345

Availability:In stock

Rs. 199.00 Rs. 349.00 199.00

Product Details

      1. All About Word 
      • Author : Maxwell Nurnberg, Morris Rosenblum
      • Binding : Paperback
      • ISBN-10 : 8183070744
      • ISBN-13 : 9788183070744
      • Language : English
      • Market : young Learner
      • Pages: 510
      • Publishing Date :  April 01,2011
      • Size : 20 x 14 x 4 cm
      • Weight : 260 g
      • Subject: English

      About The Book 

      Two language experts map your way to greater vocabulary power via history, folklore, and anecdote, as they tell All About Words - how they, began, how they developed, and exactly what they mean. Here's an exhilarating, easy way to learn a word... and never forget it! With games, puzzles, exercise, and a whole battery of challenging tests.

      "The authors of this book address themselves partly to people who are fascinated by such delving into the ancestry of words. But they also address themselves to those who wish to enlarge their vocabulary, and more narrowly, to those who face examinations that include vocabulary questions. All such readers will find the book of value, and they will probably have as much fun reading it as the authors had writing it."

      Product Details

      2.  Managing Stress

      • Author: Donald H. Weiss
      • Binding: Paperback
      • ISBN-10:  8183071341
      • ISBN-13: 9788183071345
      • Language: English
      • Market: Adolescent/Adult
      • Pages: 64           
      • Publisher: Goyal Publishers
      • Publishing Date: 1 November 2011
      • Series:  Amacom
      • Size: 200 x 140 x 40mm
      • Subtitle: Managing Stress
      • Subject: English
      • Weight: 100 gm

      About The Book 

      You'll learn how to:

      Identify stressful situation at work and at home, as well as your reactions to them.

      Manage your reactions to stress by giving yourself "first aid" by making necessary changers and by anticipating and planning for stress in advance.

      Combat stress by developing anti-stress eating, sleeping and exercise habits.

      Conduct "feedback sessions" that reduces stress in troubled work and family relationship.