Les 350 Exercices - Grammaire - Débutant - Livre de l'élève

Publisher: Hachette

ISBN: 9782011550569

Availability:In stock

Rs. 1,620.00 Rs. 1,650.00 1,620.00


  • Author :  J BadyIsabelle GreavesIn Petetin
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9782011550569
  • Level : Beginners
  • Language : French
  • Pages : 192
  • Publisher : Hachette  
  • Publishing Date : June 1990
  • Series : Exerçons-nous
  • Subject : French
  • Weight : 330   gm

A new, completely revised edition, focusing on the use of verbs, the use of complements, the construction of simple or complex sentences.

This new edition remains faithful to the principle which made the success of the previous manual: a systematic study of French grammar (morphology and syntax) intended for learners from the first year of French.

For beginners or false beginners, working alone or with a teacher, progressive exercises in French grammar, focusing more particularly on:

- learning the conjugation and the use of essential times;
- the variety of supplements;
- the sequence of sentences.