La Grammaire des tout premiers temps - A1 CD MP3 inclus

Publisher: FLE PUG

ISBN: 9782706117985

Availability:In stock

Rs. 2,550.00 Rs. 2,580.00 2,550.00

Product Details

        • Author : Marie-Laure Chalaron,Roselyne Roesch
        • Binding : Paperback
        • ISBN-10 : 2706117982
        • ISBN-13 : 9782706117985
        • Language : French
        • Level : A1
        • Market : Adolescent/Adult
        • Pages: 176
        • Publisher : FLE PUG
        • Publishing Date : Jul 4 2013
        • Series :  PUG
        • Size : 18.1 x 1 x 26.2 cm
        • Subtitle : La Grammaire des premiers
        • Subject : French
        • Weight : 420 Gm

        About The Book 


        French learners for older adolescents and adults from level A1.

        Abstract : 

        This grammatical work allows learners to understand the fundamental features of the morphology and syntax of the French language thanks to:
        • simple introductory texts,
        • accessible grammatical explanations,
        • systematic appropriation exercises.

        The audio document, a 170-minute MP3 CD , integrated into the volume, allows users to practice comprehension and guided oral production and to animate the observation of the language.