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Anfangsdeutsch Mittels Musik Learning German through Indian Classical With CD
Audio file
Product Details
- Author: Nandini Datta Jha
- Binding: PAPERBACK
- ISBN-10: 9386862735
- ISBN-13: 9789386862730
- Language: German
- Publisher: Goyal Publisher
- Publishing Date: 2018
- Subtitle: Anfangsdeutsch mittels Musik with CD
- Subject: German
- Weight : 400g
About The Book
Another effort to bring German language and Indian classical music together,using the SingLingual Method. While the first book in this series "Deutschdurch Dhrupad" attempted to introduce the language through the oldestform of this music, the second book "German Poetry meets Indian ClassicalMusic" - was an attempt to arouse in young learners, the dwindling interest in
poetry and literature.
This, the third book, is largely intended for beginners. It introduces andfamiliarizes them to basics like alphabets, colours, seasons etc. throughmelodies based on Indian classical music.
Besides having a soothing quality and stress-reducing capability, musicundoubtedly helps in concentration too. It can also act as a bridge leading to thespoken language, helping the learner to recall words easily and spontaneously.While such a book cannot of course serve as a textbook, it can surely serve asimportant additional material which can make language-learning as well asteaching more relaxing and enjoyable.
The first six songs in the CD accompanying this book introduce the learnersto months, weekdays etc. and the last four, to useful phrases and dialogues.Two of the songs also include some preposition-verb combinations specific toGerman, which students often find difficult to recall.
All the songs are set to a fixed beat (taal) which is an essential part of Indianclassical music. While eight of the songs are based on different raags, two arebased on an improvisational style called Merukhand in which permuations andcombinations of a fixed set of notes are used.
We hope that this book helps in making the initial steps towards learningGerman more enjoyable and melodious!

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