The Comprehensive Word Guide

Publisher: Goyal Publishers

ISBN: 9788183072243

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Product Details

      • Author: Norman Lewis
      • Binding: Paperback
      • ISBN-10: 8183072240
      • ISBN-13: 9788183072243
      • Language: English
      • Pages: 936
      • Publisher: Goyal Publisher
      • Subject: English

      About The Book 

      Opens up the entire rich resource of the English language as no other reference book can.

      It is a new concept in word reference books, a book whose simple and unique purpose is to help you find the words that will quickly, accurately, and effectively express your thoughts, concepts, emotions, and mental imagery.

      THE COMPREHENSIVE WORD GUIDE is more than a book of synonyms and does far more than provide lists of similar or substitute words to use in place of ones you already know. It is an essential companion to the dictionary and will actually translate your thoughts into precise, forceful, descriptive language. It is not necessary to have a specific word in mind for which you need a synonym.


      The alphabetical index, together with the novel and ingenious arrangement of words in interrelated categories, will pinpoint the exact word you need even if you start with only the name of a subject or can think of only a single word connected with the subject. You can even start with a definition and find the word to fit it. With more than 1,20,000 accurate useful word entries, this is more than a book of synonyms and more than a book of usage...