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- Magazine - French
- C'est Facile! Magazine
Product Details
- ISBN-13: 9788183075282
- Binding : Paper Back
- Published : 2013
- Number of Pages : 24
- Publisher : ELI
About The Book
Highly motivating and informative, "C'est Facile" " provides school children of all ages and levels with interesting articles, fun games and activities. It comprise of six (6) issues per year.
Each issue is priced at Rs. 360 for 6 issues per year.
"C'est Facile" gives a special space to the activities in the field of French language learning and teaching in India, it would be great if you could collect some nice texts or poems composed by the French students of your school along with some pictures and send them to us (in French). Contributions can be sent to cestfacile01@gmail.com.
The best articles will be published in our next editions. The writer of the best article in each issue will receive a price of Rs. 500 and the winner will be announced in the succeeding issue of the series.

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