Publisher: Edelsa

ISBN: 9788477117445

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Rs. 1,170.00 Rs. 1,200.00 1,170.00

Product Details

  • Author:  Montserrat Alonso Cuenca | Rocio Prieto Prieto
  • Binding:  Paperback
  • ISBN-10:  8477117446
  • ISBN-13:  9788477117445
  • Language:  Spanish
  • Level:  B2
  • Pages:  104
  • Publisher:  Edelsa
  • Publishing Date:  Mar-14
  • Series:  Embarque
  • Size:   21 x 0.8 x 28 cm
  • Subtitle:  Workbook
  • Weight: 302g

About The Book 

It allows students to reinforce and extend all the contents of level 4, in an active and dynamic way through a varied type of activities.

It consists of ten modules. Each module contains: three pages of reinforcement of the lexicon seen in the module; five pages of reinforcement of the grammar and functions of the module; a learning sheet that collects the lexicon and the functions with examples.

Free download: audios and exercise keys.